What's it really like to practice yoga with a toddler? Here's an overview and an exciting announcement!
In a few words...
Adorable, laughable, terrifying, exasperating, enlivening, inspiring, and a true exercise in patience.
How can one little body cause so much joy, fear, frustration, and — love?
But honestly, words don't adequately express the experience, so we've made a few videos here to show you. If you have a little one around, please do include them in these classes.
This blog and these videos are now password protected and accessible only to whoever I choose to share them with. Privacy is a crazy concept to me because I've always very readily worn my heart on my sleeve. But the transition to motherhood has caused me to constantly change my mind and heart. Whether it was mom guilt that made me do it or a genuine need to protect my little family, I still don't know. The only certainty, for now, is "coffee" is the secret word for entering my private quiet world out here in the woods.
What's next for Snowpea and me yoga?
Starting in March, I'll be enrolled in a kid's yoga teacher training with a focus in trauma-informed teaching!
So, many more classes to come soon.
If you have little ones, please let me know if you have requests for class themes! Jungle animal yoga, birds and bees yoga, and mama love for the hips are already in the pipeline. Please enjoy these videos!
Watch the video above for Toddler Yoga 101. Practice directly on this page or follow this link: https://youtu.be/OLDEFE3to00
Above is a yoga class with fun farm animals: https://youtu.be/Bs1upabVkMI
Another yoga class, another animal game: https://youtu.be/owOPVdDLoaA
Find some much-needed low back love for toddlers' caregivers above: https://youtu.be/7Rc8ZlsKViI